
Judging Criteria

Competition | Judging Criteria

Ensuring a LEVEL playing field and smooth experience for all innovators.

Projects will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Professional and Young Inventors

  • Originality, Novelty, and Inventiveness:
    The invention must showcase creativity, demonstrating fresh ideas or inventive solutions that push the boundaries of current knowledge or technology relevant to the society.

  • Applicability of the Innovation:
    The practicality and relevance of the invention in addressing a specific need or problem within its target industry or field.

  • Marketing Potential:
    The innovation's commercial viability, including its potential market reach, customer demand, and overall business potential.

  • Academic or Intellectual Property Recognition:
    The invention's recognition or potential for recognition in academic circles, including its contribution to research and its ability to be patented or protected as intellectual property (Copyright, Patent document, product prototype and other related achievement).

In addition, Young Inventors will be given merit for:

  • Recognition at Clinic, District, Faculty, University, or National Level:
    Additional points will be awarded to innovations that have already received formal recognition or awards at various levels, including clinics, faculties, universities, or national platforms.

  • Added Merit:
    Achievements highlighting the inventor's efforts in advancing their innovation, such as research presentations or publication, will be considered extra merit.

For our Junior Inventor category:

  • Originality:
    The invention should demonstrate creativity and a unique approach, showing the inventor's ability to think outside the box and present fresh ideas.

  • Applicability:
    The innovation must address a real-world problem or need, showcasing its practicality and relevance in everyday life or specific industries.

  • Market Potential:
    The invention should show promise for commercialization, highlighting the ability to grow and reach consumers or users.

*** Please note that judging criteria may change and vary for each category.

